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Study visit

London, UK / Date: 3rd – 10th November 2022 at Moat Mount Open Space

The study visits in London achieved its aim to develop the skills of the youth workers and trainers in order to build the capacity of NGOs through enriching the key staff capacity on facilitation and training. It was dedicated to provide participants both practical knowledge and experiential learning on social entrepreneurship and sustainable development. The participants learned how to facilitate and conduct training on social entrepreneurship.

During the study visit in London the participants were able to achieve the following:

  1. hey visited many social enterprises and projects to understand how to increase economic stability by creating new dynamic social enterprises thus raising awareness among partners and relevant bodies about social entrepreneurship and to got a deeper understanding of how to develop socio- economic status of northeast India using examples from the UK.
  2. The study visit helped to develop partners’ capacity to act as a change maker in their regions and nations in order to reduce youth unemployment by creating sustainable collaboration with stakeholders and business sectors and training young entrepreneurs to start their business, especially focusing on social problems.
  3. The participants were able to work together on creating a network of social enterprises across Europe and India in order to create space for exchanges and scale up of the start-ups.
  4. The study visit was able to help build the future capacity of the participating NGOs from EU and in northeast India. The participants started the process by creating a space for a new generation of social entrepreneurs to lay the foundations of their work to support their own local communities, it furthers the need to maintain the partnership with the EU NGOs for long term knowledge transfer and experience to the region.
  5. The study visit contributed to the creation of social impact initiatives through training and development with respective partners and they will help better sustain their respective infrastructures by efficiently manipulate the resources provided to them.

To achieve our goals everyone involved had to work as a team.

The coordinator ensured every aspect of the project and managed the communication with the European Commission, Partners and Participants. The trainers prepared the participants before and after the project and delivered the workshops and supported on the reporting of the project. The support staff supported the participants for all logistical arrangements during the study visit in London. The logistic management team worked hard to arrange for all the logistics and ensured the safety of all the participants.

The participants for the study visit were selected together with partner organizations in order to maintain the quality standards and target group of the project.

The program of the study visit to London is below.

  • 3rd: Arrivals and Check in, getting to know each other with dinner at 7 pm
  • 4th: Name Activities, Erasmus+, Teamwork, Project aim and objectives
  • 5th: Study Visits: LSE Student Union Entrepreneurs, DLT Hub in Canary Wharf
  • 6th: DAM London 3 D printing, Terra Hale EcoGym, Free Afternoon
  • 7th: Study Visit: UnLtd for Social Entrepreneurs, Impact Hubs
  • 8th: Meeting with Entrepreneurs, Countries Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
  • 9th: Follow up phase for local actions and activities, evaluation, youthpass
  • 10th: Departures We started the day at 9:30 am and finished the programme at 6:00 pm with lunch at 1 pm and dinner at 7 pm.

We had the cultural night on 4th November from 9 – 11 pm.

Local acitvities in UK

When the WIF UK team got back to London they presented the outcome of the Training of Trainers (ToT) in Turkey under the Creating Impact through Social Entreprenurship (CISE) project at a leadership course for young people (students, recent graduates and others at the start of their professional lives).

All the original objectives of the course activity were met. The course was conducted on 10 December 2022, based at in London. It brought together about 30 participants from the UK. The focus was on building leadership skills and personal insights, through a variety of interactive sessions, group activities, meetings and field visits.

There were two parallel themes through the course activity:
A) Social Action;
B) Entrepreneurship.
The participants had some experiences that they shared with their groups but they had to choose which strand they wish to follow. As part of the programme, the participants visited a variety of interesting organisations in London, to gain insights into their mission and “origin stories”, how they operate, and the leadership / operational challenges they face. The visits were conducted in the afternoon on 10 December 2022 after the morning course.

The WIF UK team spoke to the 30 participats briefing them on the mission and vision of the CISE project and what was achieved during the ToT in Turkey. This experience was really fantastic because the participants understood that WIF is an amazing example of what can be achieved when personal passion and innovative, entrepreneurial thinking combine – focusing on some of the biggest challenges facing the planet. It was exactly what the participants wanted to learn about.

The training seccion lasted approximately 3 hours. The aim was to inform, inspire, engage and challenge the participants. The WIF team lead by Bremley Lyngdoh made the training session as interactive as possible, and involved the participants in smaller groups to dicuss their understanding of leadership in social entreprenurship.

There were a total of 30 participants from across the UK so it was hard to make them work on the activities we had planned. So we had to break them up into 3 groups of 10 people each and ask the group to nomimate a team leader who would later preseent on behelf of the group. All the groups were asked to discussed what they understood about the leadership qualities needed to become a successful social entreprenur in their communities.

The activity started with a 1 hour presentation by WIF UK Founder & CEO Bremley Lyngdoh briefing the 30 participants from across the UK about the work of WIF globally to flight climate change and to train young people to become social and environmental entrepreneurs. The goals of the CISE project was shared with the particpants and after the presentation the floor was opened to a Q&A session with interactive discussions on how to initiate, design and implement social impact projects in different countries.

The next 2 hours was used for group workshops and activities where groups were created to allow deeper discussions on the different social sectors that the participants wanted to address. At the end of their discussions the group leaders presented what new knowledge they had acquired and how they would continue working together as a team to design and implement social impact project at the community level.

All the 30 participants from across the UK were all charged up and excited to work together on address real world problems. The discussion with Bremley Lyngdoh continued over lunch and some participants asked if they could follow up directly with him for further advise and engegement beyond the course activities in order for creating futher impact to the intertested participants.

The young people who participated in the course activities got in touch to support WIF reforestation projects for creating sustainable livelihoods with small farmers in northeast India. They also joined the facebook group of the CISE project and continued to stay engaged with our activities.

Closing Conference UK “World Environment Day

London School of Economics, UK / Date 5th June 2023

Closing Conferece UK Title

“World Environment Day – Role of Impact Explorers” Registration and Welcome: We had registion and check-in for participants of 5th June 2023 at the London School of Ecomomics (LSE) Generation Den (GenDen) followed by welcome remarks by Worldview Impact Foundation on the theme of World Environment Day 2023 and role of Impact Explorers in creating green jobs as social entreprenuers and ended with the official acknowledgment of partners and participants of CISE.

Recap and Highlights

We had a recap of the main themes and key learnings from the entire CISE project and together we highlight the memorable moments that we shared and all the impactful insights we had along our journey. Keynote Address: “The Journey of Impact Explorers – Experience in India“. Dr. Bremley Lyngdoh shared his personal journey of creating positive changes at the grassroots in relation to the experience of the mobility in Meghalaya, northeast India including lessons learned, challenges faced, and the power of perseverance in very different cultural environment. Participants Showcases: The participants of CISE from the UK presented their projects and initiatives resulting from the CISE project and they together shared the real-world impact of the knowledge they gained with other studenst and social entreprenuers incubated at the LSE GenDen in London.

Closing Ceremony

The Impact Explorers from the UK who just returned from India had a symbolic closing ceremony to mark the end of the project. Together collectively as a team we expressed gratitude to participants, speakers, and volunteers of the CISE project.

Farewell and Networking Reception:

We had some final remarks and acknowledgements from Worldview Impact Foundation to the CISE Project before we started our networking reception with refreshments, fostering connections and lasting memories.