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Situation in Turkey


Entrepreneurship in Turkey has seen a considerable surge in recent years, driven by a combination of government support, a growing start-up ecosystem, and a young and educated population.

Here are some key aspects of entrepreneurship in Turkey:

  1. Government Support:
    The Turkish government has taken numerous initiatives to promote entrepreneurship, recognizing its importance in driving economic growth and job creation. These initiatives include tax incentives, grants, and funding programs specifically targeted at start-ups and small businesses. The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization (KOSGEB) plays a crucial role in providing financial support, training, and consultancy services to entrepreneurs.
  2. Start-up Ecosystem:
    Turkey has witnessed the emergence of a vibrant and dynamic start-up ecosystem. Istanbul, in particular, has become a hub for start-ups, with a growing number of incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces. These start-up support organizations provide entrepreneurs with resources, mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to funding. They also offer specialized programs focused on sectors such as technology, e- commerce, and fintech.
  3. Funding Opportunities:
    Access to funding is essential for start-ups, and Turkey has seen a significant increase in funding options. Angel investors, venture capital firms, and crowdfunding platforms have become more active in the Turkish start-up scene. Additionally, the Istanbul Stock Exchange (Borsa Istanbul) has launched a dedicated market segment called “BIST Stars” to support the funding and growth of start-ups.
  4. Young and Educated Population:
    Turkey has a young population, with a significant percentage of its citizens being under the age of 30. This demographic advantage, coupled with a well-educated workforce, provides a strong foundation for entrepreneurship. Many young Turks are choosing entrepreneurship as a career path, leveraging their skills, knowledge, and creativity to start innovative ventures.
  5. Technological Advancements:
    Technological advancements have played a crucial role in fostering entrepreneurship in Turkey. The widespread availability of internet access and the rise of mobile technology have created opportunities for digital start-ups. Sectors such as e-commerce, fintech, software development, and digital marketing have seen significant growth, attracting both local and international entrepreneurs.
  6. Global Reach:
    Start-ups are increasingly looking beyond national borders, aiming for global expansion. Many start-ups have successfully entered international markets, attracting investment, partnerships, and customers from the world. The global reach has not only provided growth opportunities but has also raised the profile of entrepreneurship in Turkey.

Despite these positive trends, entrepreneurship in Turkey still faces challenges. These include bureaucratic hurdles, access to early-stage funding, and a need for further support in terms of mentorship and market access. However, with continued government support, an expanding start-up ecosystem, and a talented pool of entrepreneurs, Turkey is poised to see further growth and success in the field of entrepreneurship.


Entrepreneurship education in Turkey has gained significant attention in recent years. The government, educational institutions, and various organizations have been actively working to foster an entrepreneurial mindset among young people. Here are some key aspects of entrepreneurship education in Turkey:

  1. Curriculum Integration:
    Entrepreneurship education has been integrated into the national curriculum at different levels of education. Starting from primary schools through to universities, entrepreneurship courses and programs are offered to students. These courses focus on developing entrepreneurial skills, fostering creativity and innovation, and instilling an entrepreneurial mindset.
  2. University Programs: 
    Many universities in Turkey offer specific entrepreneurship programs and centres. These programs provide comprehensive education on entrepreneurship, including courses on business planning, marketing, finance, and management. They also offer mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to funding for aspiring entrepreneurs.
  3. Incubation Centres and Technology Parks:
    Turkey has established numerous incubation centres and technology parks across the country. These centres provide support to start-ups and entrepreneurs, offering resources, mentorship, and access to funding. They create an ecosystem where entrepreneurs can thrive and turn their ideas into successful businesses.

Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Turkey: The entrepreneurship ecosystem in Turkey has been evolving and expanding rapidly over the past decade. The government, private sector, and various support organizations have played a significant role in creating a favourable environment for start-ups and entrepreneurs. Here are some key components of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Turkey:

  1. Government Initiatives: 
    The Turkish government has implemented various initiatives to support entrepreneurship. These include tax incentives, grants, and funding programs specifically designed for start-ups. The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization (KOSGEB) provides financial support, training, and consultancy services to entrepreneurs.
  2. Start-up Support Organizations: Several organizations in Turkey focus on supporting start-ups and entrepreneurs. These include incubators, accelerators, and venture capital firms. These organizations provide mentoring, networking opportunities, funding, and access to resources to help start-ups grow and succeed.
  3. Funding Opportunities:
    Access to funding is crucial for start-ups, and Turkey has seen an increase in funding options in recent years. Besides government grants, angel investors, venture capital firms, and crowdfunding platforms are becoming more active in the start-up ecosystem. This availability of funding sources has attracted both local and international investors to the Turkish start-up scene.
  4. Networking and Collaboration:
    To foster collaboration and knowledge sharing, numerous events, conferences, and networking platforms have emerged in Turkey. These events bring together entrepreneurs, investors, industry experts, and policymakers, creating opportunities for networking, partnership building, and learning from experienced professionals.
  5. Global Reach:
    Turkey’s entrepreneurship ecosystem has become more connected globally. Turkish start-ups are increasingly expanding their reach beyond national borders, attracting international partnerships, investments, and customers. This global exposure provides start-ups with valuable opportunities for growth and access to international markets.

Overall, entrepreneurship education and the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Turkey have witnessed significant growth and development. The government’s support, the presence of start-up support organizations, funding opportunities, and networking platforms have all contributed to creating a vibrant and thriving ecosystem for aspiring entrepreneurs in the country.

  1. TEB Arval:
    TEB Arval is a social business in Turkey that focuses on sustainable transportation solutions. It offers corporate vehicle leasing services with a strong emphasis on environmental and social responsibility. TEB Arval provides electric and hybrid vehicle options, helping companies reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment.
  2. Maya Organic:
    Maya Organic is a social business that aims to empower marginalized artisans in Turkey. It works with women from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, training them in traditional craft skills such as weaving and woodworking. Maya Organic then helps these artisans market and sell their products, providing them with a sustainable livelihood and preserving traditional craftsmanship.
  3. Impact Hub Istanbul:
    Impact Hub Istanbul is a community-driven coworking space and innovation centre that supports social entrepreneurship. It brings together entrepreneurs, activists, and professionals who are working on solutions to social and environmental challenges. Impact Hub Istanbul offers a collaborative environment, networking opportunities, and various resources to help social entrepreneurs develop their ideas and scale their impact.

These three examples highlight the diverse range of social businesses in Turkey, addressing environmental sustainability, economic empowerment, and social innovation.